Monday, July 20, 2015

Bowyer Island

We were so lucky to be invited to spend the day at Bowyer Island on Sunday with Geoff and Janet. It was a beautiful hot day and we had a fabulous time.

 The view from their deck! Could BC be any more beautiful?! The Island you can see to the left is Bowen and directly across in the distance is the Sunshine Coast (Gibsons)

I couldn't get enough of this view!

Eli tried kayaking!

You can't tell at all in the photos but when the ferries went past they created huge waves. Immy rode them in the tube (and was thrown under quite a few times and just laughed! Honestly 6 weeks ago she would have screamed and cried...can't believe how the pool has given her so much confidence!)

If you look on the dock you can see Eli prancing around lol!

 I may have sat staring at the view for a little while ;-) I should have been raised on a boat in the Ocean. It's definitely my happy place!

 My baby lost her first tooth while we were eating dinner! She had only noticed it was wiggly the night before. She was super excited! This was her selfie to see what it looked like!

Eli jumped off the dock once the tide had come in!

IMG 7357 from Emma Hughes on Vimeo.

(So brave - I wouldn't do it!)

David, Geoff, Caroline and Immy watching from the dock.

The boat ride back

 Couldn't get enough of these toothless smiles :-)