Friday, July 3, 2015


Immy made a book for David for fathers day. She dictated the story for me to type and designed all the pictures herself with clip art. It was mailed to us just in time for Fathers Day. She is sooooooo excited to have her own  'real book'.

A walk along the Pitt River, just a few minutes from our house.

First time in the pool. At this point I think it was 22 ahhh way too cold for me. It's 27/28 now :-)

Fathers day hugs

We went to the aquarium last week. We thought it would be quiet as it was the last week of school but hahahaha about 20 school trips and early vacationers. Super busy (and hot!) but we got membership so we will go back lots when it's not so busy!

Waiting for the Beluga Whale show

The very latest in hair styles!

The kids participated in their second triathlon. They both did really well! 

More pool :-)

Canada day! It was 33 degrees outside but she insisted on wearing long sleeve shirt and long leggings. The things you do for fashion when you're five ;-) (She had short sleeve red t-shirt and white shorts but neither made her look perfect apparently)

Today we spent the morning at the beach at White Rock. Ahhhh how I love the Ocean soon much!

(Check out Immy desperately trying to climb up the rock at the bottom  - she tried and tried but just couldn't do it!)

Reading 'The Tale of Despereaux' to the kids. No place better to read than the beach!

Immy found a jellyfish