Sunday, March 10, 2013

This week in photos...

Modelling her new swim suit!

Eli's lego pool

Playing in the basement with the boxes!

My beautiful boy!

Being silly!

She still likes to be naked all the time if possible!

I have lots and lots of self portraits by Immy just like this!

Below is Lake Simcoe at Barrie. It was frozen over and the little dots all over it are snowmobilers.

Designing and painting their own t-shirts

It was nice a nice sunny day on Wednesday and a lovely -1 degrees (finally)

Growing Immys fringe out...

Walking home from our may be sunny but we have enough snow to last us a long while!

Our house!

Downtown Toronto yesterday. They have ALOT less snow than we do! Was nice to see grass for a change!

Immy and her dolly at church this morning!