Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rosy cheeks

Immy has had a cold this week and lately it seems the minute she gets sick she gets bright red cheeks!

At the weekend I was buying her some clothes and she begged for a cowgirl hat instead of clothes!

Eli is going through a batman phase and Immy is usually wonder woman!

Eli has been reading a book about the different 'ages' this was a lego creation of a picture thats in the book. It's huts and caves and walls to guard the 'camp'.

Rosy girl with  her new tshirt and turtle from Nana and Papa.

We went for a walk today along a trail that runs alongside the Holland River. Both children spent a good half hour bashing the ice in the marshy areas with sticks. Eli said it was the most fun he had ever! Guess we'll be going back before the ice melts!