Monday, March 18, 2013

Last few days...

The countdown has begun! I think we've crossed off 4 days now!

Eli has been saving his allowance for ages now to get some lego. On friday we went to the Lego shop to let him spend his money and get his lego. I said Immy could have a toy too of a similar value since she doesn't get an allowance so she dragged me around toys r us pointing out things that she would like that I knew would get neglected after a day. It occurred to me that there was a 'build a bear' in the mall and I convinced her that we should go and make her very own teddy bear (didn't take much convincing!) She picked out a white bear and took it to the lady to get stuffed - here she is below pressing the stuffing foot pedal. I was so proud of her as she walked up the lady and said "Hi I'm Imogen" the best bit was that the lady said "hi Imogen" - most people here have no idea how to say her name.

 Rubbing the bears heart on her head for brains and tummy for love before she puts it inside her bear

Giving the bear it's heart!

Of course the bear (named Wooshy by the way) had to have a 'ballerina' dress and shoes!

trying on shoes while waiting for Daddy!

Happy girl sleeping with her new bear (who took her ballerina dress off to go to sleep!)

Playing with Easter stickers for the window

Shopping with me in Walmart! Doesn't she look delighted to be there! Check out the bag of milk...yep I still hate bagged milk!

My super smart boy reading to me while I was making lunch. He is reading a biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder (author of the 'Little House' books) We have bought the series on CD and have been listening to them in the car. He is obsessed with the books now and it has sparked discussions and projects on many different subjects - in particular Pioneer life and Indians!

And here he is building his weekly lego challenge - a building that is really tall!