Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some Imogen cuteness

Each morning - as soon as she wakes up (in our bed, as at some point during the night she almost always gets in!) she says "Let me see what time it is" - she hops out of bed and looks out of the window. If it's light she says "it's morning time" and if it's still dark she gets back in bed and says "it's still night time" and lays down again! So cute. Although won't be as cute when summer hits and it's light early!  Once she decides it's morning she says "can we check the temperatured  (she always adds a 'd') on your phone" I believe she has picked this up from me obsessing over the freezing cold and if it's going to snow or not!!

And this morning...
Immy - "whats this"(holding a strap)
Me - "It's from Eli's accordion, it must have come off"
Immy - "did Eli broked it"
Me- "I'm not sure. I don't think so, it probably just fell off"
Immy - "did I broked it?"
Me- "No, it wasn't you"
Immy - "I did broked it, I'm sorry Mummy"