We still have a basement full of boxes and they have had more play than anything else in our house! They have been, among other things, a racetrack, a store, skyscrapers, and more recently a library. Today Immy brought a box upstairs and the two of them pretended they were a Jack, in a box for ages and ages, I mean like more than an hour! They took turns being the person who sang the song and pretended to wind it up and being the 'jack- in the box' who jumped out when they got to 'Pop, goes the weasel'. I challenged them to make up their own songs to the tune of 'all around the mulberry bush' and Eli came up with some great ones. It took Immy a while of listening to Eli do it but she finally figured it out and did some silly ones herself! I wish there was an easier way to post videos on here that actually works. I need to look into that.

Lil Miss was in a posing mood today. I must have a ton of photos of her on my phone and she also asked me to snap a few on the big camera! Here she is looking like a grubber! Her fringe is too long - I'm trying to decide if I should let it grow or keep it short....suggestions?
Not sure if Eli was attempting to salute or about to draw on his forehead?! Nice bit of snot dripping out of his nose...
Below is a book that she had made. She wanted to me to take a picture but insisted that it cover her face!
She told me this is her mad face
And a bathing suit photo! What a silly goose. Perhaps I'll try and get some snot free, grub free faces photos tomorrow?!