Sunday, February 17, 2013

Photos from this week

In no particular order - ELi is part of a lego challenge group. Each week they have a challenge and they  have to complete it. This week it had to be any kind of tool. Eli made two trucks that were both do the job a 'tool'. One is a digger for buried treasure and the other is a pusher to move the treasure once it's found!

The two of them are going through a Toy Story revival at the moment and Eli has taken to wearing David's old cowboy hat (a'la woody) all the time!

Ready and raring to go to soccer!

If they are not being Woody and Jessie they are Peter Pan and Tinkerbell! This is his Peter pose lol!

Immy stuck googly eyes on these pieces of paper and walked around holding them all day saying they were her googly people