It's been a while since I've done a big photo post but I'm trying to get back to blogging more! I still didn't do Immy's birthday which shows how behind I am....not likely to do it now either since I think we may just possibly be closer (by a few days) to her 4th birthday than to her 3rd birthday! Anyway here are a couple of photos from the last few days...
Basketball in the basement!
Immy has discovered how to play games on the computer! Here she is on Disney Junior website playing Sophia the First games (her new favourite princess lol!)
This is while Eli, David and I were playing basketball in the picture above - she was looking after her baby and getting mad if we spoke as her baby was sleeping! She's usually more into her animals than babies but the last few days this baby hasn't been out of her sight.
Our road today, 2 sunny days and we still have too much snow!
The good thing about being 6 is that shovelling snow is still fun!
We were working on these puzzles this morning but she wanted this to be for daddy on his birthday!
Getting a ride to the park to sled!
Playing on the swings while Daddy and Eli were sledding
Happy looking hubby
I even sledded ;-)
Happy boy! Loving the snow!
Catching a ride on daddys back!
David attempting to lay down and make a snow angel!
The most beautiful snow angel!
Immys snow angel
David and Eli racing home in the distance...little bit of snow on the sidewalk!
Crazy boy jumping in the snow
Enjoying the sun on her strenuous ride home from getting the mail!
Yes, even three year olds are put to work keeping the drive clear!
And lastly my beautiful 39 year old hubby enjoying his birthday beer at Montana's.