Tuesday, February 26, 2013

'Pop, goes the Weasel'

We still have a basement full of boxes and they have had more play than anything else in our house! They have been, among other things, a racetrack, a store, skyscrapers, and more recently a library. Today Immy brought a box upstairs and the two of them pretended they were a Jack, in a box for ages and ages, I mean like more than an hour! They took turns being the person who sang the song and pretended to wind it up and being the 'jack- in the box' who jumped out when they got to 'Pop, goes the weasel'. I challenged them to make up their own songs to the tune of 'all around the mulberry bush' and Eli came up with some great ones. It took Immy a while of listening to Eli do it but she finally figured it out and did some silly ones herself! I wish there was an easier way to post videos on here that actually works. I need to look into that.

Lil Miss was in a posing mood today. I must have a ton of photos of her on my phone and she also asked me to snap a few on the big camera! Here she is looking like a grubber! Her fringe is too long - I'm trying to decide if I should let it grow or keep it short....suggestions?

Not sure if Eli was attempting to salute or about to draw on his forehead?! Nice bit of snot dripping out of his nose...

Below is a book that she had made. She wanted to me to take a picture but insisted that it cover her face! 

She told me this is her mad face

And a bathing suit photo! What a silly goose.  Perhaps I'll try and get some snot free, grub free faces photos tomorrow?! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snowy Forest Walk

Spot the snowball...coming right at me

Spot the snowball...going right at Immy! I didn't get the picture 5 seconds later where she was screaming hysterically!

And the snowball has hit David... a very happy Eli

Eli brought a book to sketch animal tracks!

Eli takes stick carrying to a whole new level!

This house is at the entrance...look at the slide coming off the deck! So fun!

Saturday afternoon

In the afternoon David took the kids to the park. I think they are the only ones loving all the snow as they get a ride on their sleds! It has snowed again overnight and still snowing now. Woo hoo loving Ontario!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Me and my boy!

It's been more than a year probably since Eli and I last had time together just the two of us but today since we both felt better we went out for lunch and a little wander around chapters. I really enjoyed being able to focus on just him and chat to him and I know he loved it too. We need to do it much more often! Love my boy! X

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sickie boy

Got a little munchkin who isn't well at the moment :-(

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moments like this...

Make it all worth it! For all they fight they also play really, really well together. I wish you could hear the giggles in this photo! Immy was pretending to be a cat and Eli was stroking her face and the two of them were hysterical!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Today was a day off- family day - and a lovely -20 when we woke up so it was definitely not a day for being outside! Instead we went 'glow in the dark' bowling! It was lots of fun!

Love these curls!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Photos from this week

In no particular order - ELi is part of a lego challenge group. Each week they have a challenge and they  have to complete it. This week it had to be any kind of tool. Eli made two trucks that were both do the job a 'tool'. One is a digger for buried treasure and the other is a pusher to move the treasure once it's found!

The two of them are going through a Toy Story revival at the moment and Eli has taken to wearing David's old cowboy hat (a'la woody) all the time!

Ready and raring to go to soccer!

If they are not being Woody and Jessie they are Peter Pan and Tinkerbell! This is his Peter pose lol!

Immy stuck googly eyes on these pieces of paper and walked around holding them all day saying they were her googly people

Stick men

Immy sat down to colour a few days ago and she did these 'peoples' as she calls them. I was gobsmacked as literally until that minute she has never done anything other than scribble across the page!

Friday, February 15, 2013

My clever girl!

At 3.5 Immy has totally mastered the computer! She has started playing starfall which is an amazing phonics based games from preschool up to fluent reading level. I just started her on it last week and I thought she would need lots of help to play it but she is a pro and can navigate her way through it with no problems as well as use the mousepad, which I think can be tricky on the Mac for little hands!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Birthday David and snowy weekend!

It's been a while since I've done a big photo post but I'm trying to get back to blogging more! I still didn't do Immy's birthday which shows how behind I am....not likely to do it now either since I think we may just possibly be closer (by a few days) to her 4th birthday than to her 3rd birthday! Anyway here are a couple of photos from the last few days...
Basketball in the basement!

Immy has discovered how to play games on the computer! Here she is on Disney Junior website playing Sophia the First games (her new favourite princess lol!) 

This is while Eli, David and I were playing basketball in the picture above - she was looking after her baby and getting mad if we spoke as her baby was sleeping! She's usually more into her animals than babies but the last few days this baby hasn't been out of her sight.

Our road today, 2 sunny days and we still have too much snow!

The good thing about being 6 is that shovelling snow is still fun!

We were working on these puzzles this morning but she wanted this to be for daddy on his birthday!

Getting a ride to the park to sled!

Playing on the swings while Daddy and Eli were sledding

Happy looking hubby

I even sledded ;-)

Happy boy! Loving the snow!

Catching a ride on daddys back!

David attempting to lay down and make a snow angel!

The most beautiful snow angel!

Immys snow angel

David and Eli racing home in the distance...little bit of snow on the sidewalk!

Crazy boy jumping in the snow

Enjoying the sun on her strenuous ride home from getting the mail!

Yes, even three year olds are put to work keeping the drive clear!

And lastly my beautiful 39 year old hubby enjoying his birthday beer at Montana's.
