Friday, March 9, 2012

Eli's train table.

Eli got his train table for Christmas when he was 2.5. At that age it was all about the trains. The track was irrelevant, as long as it was there! As he got older he realised that the track could be changed and he spent lots of time taking it to pieces so that daddy could put it back together again. Him and David played many different adventures over the years but this last year he hasn't played with it so much. Just before Christmas I was thinking that he was probably done with it. The table had been used for cars and then after that as a craft table. I thought it had done it's time as a train table and that would be that. However when we pulled the Christmas decorations out he remembered that he had snow and Christmas lights for his trains and suddenly he was interested in fixing it all up again. Since then he has developed a whole new fascination for it, but not for playing with the trains. He is only into making a railroad - he's building some really elaborate tracks. When he's finished he likes to ride a selected few trains around to make sure it works properly but he doesn't really play. He will leave it for a day or two and then rip it apart and start again.  He doesn't just randomly put pieces on the table and hope that eventually it will all fit together and work (like I do lol!) he has a plan in his mind on how it's going to look and he builds the track according to his plan. He is so persistent and loves to figure out ways for it to work when it's not working. I guess it goes along with the fact that is quite analytical and has always enjoyed puzzles. He has made some amazing tracks. I need to start taking some pictures for him to remember when he is old! 
Anyway last track he built he wanted to take some video of it to show David. 

You may want to close your eyes and just listen if you get sick easily!!