Friday, March 30, 2012

Blue Heron Park

It's been raining here non stop for what feels like FOREVER. On Wednesday we woke up and it wasn't raining. I was so excited I made the kids get dressed right away and told them we were going to the beach - quickly - before it started raining again! We stayed for a couple hours and had so much fun, they built a dam, dug in the sand/crushed shells, hunted for crabs, waded in the water, climbed the logs etc etc. SO much fun!

Love this shot! 

Starting to build a dam

He got soooo wet right up to the water line on his coat! He couldn't have cared less though he was having so much fun!

Dam almost finished...balancing on the rocks!

Little monkey. She was wearing Eli's socks coz she had fallen in a huge tide pool and soaked her jeans boots and socks!

This face says "I am trouble" Look at the socks on her hands! It's a new craze she has everyday she asks to wear socks on her hands.

Shame this isn't clear. My little beauty!

Bird watching! Imogens has her binoculars backwards!