Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shopping trip to Home Depot...

After swimming this morning we went to Home Depot to pick up the fence supplies. Look at their faces. They were soooo excited to be 'driving' the shopping carts. Eli thought he was actually steering it and as we were leaving he said "sorry I couldn't steer it in a straight line mummy"... No, it wasn't going in a straight line because the thing is the size of a bus combined with the weight of those two and all the fencing stuff. I could barely move it and spent most of the time trying not to tip it over, that's why it wasn't going in a straight line! Tonight when he prayed he started with "thank you for a nice time at home depot driving the cart"! Good grief. I won't bother with all the fun things we do anymore - I'll just take them to the hardware store!!