Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Party at Strong Start!

Today was our last day of Strong Start before the summer break. The kids had a great time and completely exhausted themselves! We made a card for Selena (the program teacher), and on the card we put a photo of the two of them. Eli asked why I wanted to put a photo of them on it. I replied "so that she will always remember you both". He looked at me somewhat astonished and said so seriously "Mummy, Selena will NEVER forget ME". I don't ever want him to lose that confidence in himself that says "I am so amazing and I will never be forgotten."
Having snack

Eli and his beautiful little friend

Busy looking for trouble!

In the middle of the parachute! You can tell by his face that he isn't too sure about it! He doesn't like to do things without knowing what's going to happen and when they started twisting it around to wrap him up he looked a little worried!

Hugs for his friend (which was a nice shot until someone jumped in front of me!)

The moment is gone and now they are being silly!

Imogen worn out after a very tiring party!