Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Party at Strong Start!

Today was our last day of Strong Start before the summer break. The kids had a great time and completely exhausted themselves! We made a card for Selena (the program teacher), and on the card we put a photo of the two of them. Eli asked why I wanted to put a photo of them on it. I replied "so that she will always remember you both". He looked at me somewhat astonished and said so seriously "Mummy, Selena will NEVER forget ME". I don't ever want him to lose that confidence in himself that says "I am so amazing and I will never be forgotten."
Having snack

Eli and his beautiful little friend

Busy looking for trouble!

In the middle of the parachute! You can tell by his face that he isn't too sure about it! He doesn't like to do things without knowing what's going to happen and when they started twisting it around to wrap him up he looked a little worried!

Hugs for his friend (which was a nice shot until someone jumped in front of me!)

The moment is gone and now they are being silly!

Imogen worn out after a very tiring party!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

When the cat's away...

(or just not in his room!) One of her favorite places to play when Eli isn't looking!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rain in June :-(

Picking flowers in the rain!

Eli 'graduates' preschool

Here are some videos of his class singing their songs. He is the first person at the back on the left.

Getting his certificate from his teacher Kathy

High five with his teacher Vanessa

Hugs for his teacher Megan

Soooo excited to get a certificate for 2 years of preschool

Add caption


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Making lunch

He has made his lunch himself every day for about a year and a half! He doesn't like any help at all.
Today was his last proper day of preschool. Tomorrow they have their graduation ceremony!! Funny how I used to think it was sooo cheesy to do a graduation for preschool but now that it's Eli leaving I think it's a great idea and I'm sooo excited to see him get his certificate and sing with all his little friends for the last time.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Clever girl

Yesterday while we were playing outside she put the cone on her head and said to me "sing happy birday to uuu" I have nooo idea how she knew that at all. We sang it for the rest of the day though!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Eli at church

There was a motorbike display in the lobby at church today! Eli thought it was very cool

This is how Imogen fell asleep for nap yesterday!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shopping trip to Home Depot...

After swimming this morning we went to Home Depot to pick up the fence supplies. Look at their faces. They were soooo excited to be 'driving' the shopping carts. Eli thought he was actually steering it and as we were leaving he said "sorry I couldn't steer it in a straight line mummy"... No, it wasn't going in a straight line because the thing is the size of a bus combined with the weight of those two and all the fencing stuff. I could barely move it and spent most of the time trying not to tip it over, that's why it wasn't going in a straight line! Tonight when he prayed he started with "thank you for a nice time at home depot driving the cart"! Good grief. I won't bother with all the fun things we do anymore - I'll just take them to the hardware store!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Last few days

The kids got new UV suits for the beach. Eli was so funny. He did a series of poses for me that he insisted I take photos of! Such a poser!

We had a glow in the dark dance party in Eli's bedroom one night last week. The kids thought it was the best thing ever. The picture above is Imogen with a bracelet on each wrist and Eli at the top of the pic wearing them around his neck. The next day Imogen kept running into Eli's room and asking me to turn the lights off and put the music on!

Dancing in the dark

Happy boy. He had so much fun. He loves it when we do silly things like that with him!

Imogens new t-shirt which I love "mum and me forever" Its unusual here to find anything that isn't MOM which I HATE but I found this at 'Please Mum' so I think thats why it says mum. Anyway I love it!

Eli and friends decorating cupcakes.

Imogen eating cakes!

Sunday morning at Rathtrevor flying kites and running around in the sand.

Immy helping Daddy fly the kite. She LOVED it so much and kept squeeling "Look" at the kite!