Monday, June 1, 2015


So I have missed a whole buncha months out from the blog! Too much time doing house'y' stuff. This post is a few pics from the last few weeks, starting from our visit to Vernon 2 weeks ago. I will do another post with the last few months as I love to look back on the blog to see what we were up to!

At the beach with my beautiful mama x

 At Kin beach - beginning of May....ahhhh how I love the Okanagan!

Kids were so excited to each get a picture of Papa (his school photos!) they both have them by their beds!!
Look at that smile! She loves her Papa!

Eli my Jedi (I took the next few photos for a competition to win a trip to Disneyworld Star wars days)

silly goofy girl!

When you have a 5 year old girl, you often have random passengers riding in the front seat!

Mud pies, anyone?!

You are never too old to make a mudpie!

The girls stealing the goals!

Cousin tea party!

Ava looking after her babies

Playing with her mermaids in the pond

A new kitty house for my lil' kitty cat

The two of them have played with toys in the pond all week!

Eli made a boat

First visit to the splash pad

David and I went to English Bay for dinner to celebrate our 11th Anniversary :-)

Flowers from my hubby

Lions Gate Bridge

On Saturday we took the kids for a picnic dinner to Buntzen lake.