Sunday, March 1, 2015

Latest photos

We are just loving being able to get out every day and bike or play. It's been between 10-15 degrees every day which is such a nice change from our previous 2 (and a half) winters!

One day we went to Science World downtown Vancouver. We were able to use our pass that we had from Calgary so we got in free which was nice! 

Enjoying spending time with this gorgeous little munchkin

Eli's stage coach class lasts an hour longer than Immys so we either hang out at the park or the mall while we are waiting for him! This week we were at the park!

Last Sunday we BBQ'd at Helen and Buu's. The first one at their new house! It was a beautiful night and the kids played outside until it was dark :-)

My goofy girl wanted trying on hats and scarves in the superstore!

Another day, another park :-)

Unfortunately the basement suite that we are staying in has an ant problem which so far isn't that bad but enough to really irritate me. Bugs belong outside, not on my kitchen counters! Immy built an ant trap. She put some paper and pens inside incase they were bored when they were trapped! So far she has 'caught' one ant and was soon excited!