Friday, May 3, 2013

This week!

Experimenting with mixing colours the sun :-) This seriously kept them busy for more than an hour!

This week we started a new school group called Forest Garden. Lots of fun - the kids get to be outside most of the day, learning, doing crafts, nature journals, observing, campfires, lots of play in the trees, building forts, playing with sticks, climbing trees and running around getting dirty!

Last weekend....she's loving her 'babies' at the moment!

Eli's new haircut. Look at that my boy! x

They had their last gymnastics class this week and had a show class where  we could go in and take pics! Eli was very serious and wanted to show me what he'd learned where Immy just kept posing and saying "take LOTS of pictures of me mummy"

Eli getting his certificate from his teacher.

Immy getting her certificate.