Thursday, May 23, 2013

I really need to think of more creative titles than "our week"

As an avid reader it warms my heart to see Eli laying on the couch engrossed in a book! It wouldn't be his first choice of things to do but once he starts reading he will read keep going to finish the chapter or book. 

Immy meanwhile loves books so, so much and would happily let me read to her for hours on end! Her latest favourite are the 'Fancy Nancy' books!

Today at Forest garden one of the activities was to work together to make a marble run. They all had a small piece of a cardboard half tube and had to hold them together to get the marble to roll from one end to the other. They had two teams and raced each other. It was quite challenging especially for the younger ones! A good lesson in working together!

An out of focus Eli having fun on the tire swing.