Monday, February 27, 2012

Frozen Yoghurt at the mall

We were at the mall on Friday and Eli reminded me that I promised he we could try the new Frozen Yoghurt place next time we were at the mall. Hate it when he has such a good memory as I just wanted to get home but a promise is a promise lol! A few minutes after this picture was taken Imogen got up from her seat (as fast as lightening) and ran across the mall to a clothes shop on the other side, through the shop and all the way to the back changing rooms. She had no idea where I was at all and she didn't care. I left Eli sat there while I darted off to find her. I was so annoyed with her and told her off and she just says "I'm so sorry mummy" in her sweetly little 'I'm an angel' voice! She is such a monkey. Never letting her out of the stroller again!!