Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Halloween Train!

Today we went to Duncan to the Forestry Center to ride the 'Halloween Express'. We went in the day as the kids (or at least our oldest kid!) would have been freaked out by the nighttime ride as once it got dark as they had spooky music and people jumping out of trees etc! 

The funniest thing was the conductor of the train who was narrating as we went along the line. I'm sure it won't sound funny at all written down but the adults amongst us were creased up laughing. He was an old Native guy who had obviously memorized the script (badly) in his head. There was not even the least bit of emotion put into what he was saying which made it absolutely hilarious and not the least bit frightening. For example in the picture below which is the old saw house he was saying things like "here comes the old saw house -watch out or you might lose a limb" read in the worst robot like voice you can imagine and it won't come close to how bad he sounded! Ahhh I'm pretty sure you had to be there anyway so I'll stop going on!

Later while the kids were playing in the park we saw 2 Eagles building a nest in the trees literally right next to/ above us. I have never seen Eagles so close before, It was absolutely the most amazing thing. They were flying above us with sticks back and forth to their nest.. Of course I took pictures with my phone which just didn't do it justice at all as I could barely make it out on the phone but here they are anyway!