Monday, September 13, 2010

Victoria – Shaw Discovery Center

So on Saturday we went to Victoria. First we went to Old Navy and then down to Sydney to the Aquarium. We had lots of fun. Imogen loved the fishes so much. Eli was fascinated by the elevator at the begining of the Aquarium that was done like a submarine (he really thought we went underwater) and he spent the whole time that we were looking at the exhibitions (can you even call it that when its fishes etc?!) saying “can we go back on the submarine”. Wasn’t interested in anything else!

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After the Aquarium we went to our new family favourite eatin/takeout restaurant “The Noodle Box”. If you have one near you (I think that would only be Helen and Buu – you should try it – DELICIOUS fresh food made in front of you. Eli used chopsticks for the whole meal but insisted on one in each hand which took FOREVER. But you can’t argue with him these days as he is “a big boy now, I’m 4 and I know everything” or so we keep being told.

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A lovely family day and two exhausted kiddies on the way home. (Ok so yo ucan’t see Imogen but she was facing the wrong way for me to be able to take her pic!)

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