Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Little Monkey

Today while Eli was at preschool I was trying to clean up…she made more mess in five seconds than I could clean in a whole day but she had fun!

The first picture she is pulling everything out of a box that is filled with her stuff – birthday cards etc. ALL the mess on the floor is what she has chucked out!


The pictures below she found her card from Aunty Wendy which has kittens on the front. She loves dogs and cats sooo much. She looks at it, gives it a hug and the kisses the picture! I can forgive her the mess for being so cute.

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Monday, September 13, 2010


Today was the first day back to school for Eli. He was so excited. When we pulled up outside he said “ok I’ll just jump out here and see you after school, Ok mummy?” He was so disappointed that I had to go in with him to sign him in! Such a big boy :)

After preschool we went out for the afternoon to Yellowpoint, which is past Cedar. We’ve never driven out that way before but felt like going somewhere different and I knew there were some nice beaches that way. We found a gorgeous beach called “Blue Heron Park”. Didn’t see any Herons, just a snake nest (Or whatever it’s called where snakes gather together lol!) Eli was almost sticking his face in to get a closer look saying to me “look at these cute snakes mummy”. Errrr hello CUTE and SNAKE in the same sentence? I think not. No pictures – yuck yuck yuck.

Anyway we played on the beach for ages. Imogen fell in a tidal pool because I perched her on the rock trying to get a picture and she tried to stand up and didn’t realise it wasn’t flat – she rolled down the rock and just lay in the water screaming while I thought do I rescue her or take a funny picture?! The screaming won (sadly coz we it would have been a great shot!).

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Victoria – Shaw Discovery Center

So on Saturday we went to Victoria. First we went to Old Navy and then down to Sydney to the Aquarium. We had lots of fun. Imogen loved the fishes so much. Eli was fascinated by the elevator at the begining of the Aquarium that was done like a submarine (he really thought we went underwater) and he spent the whole time that we were looking at the exhibitions (can you even call it that when its fishes etc?!) saying “can we go back on the submarine”. Wasn’t interested in anything else!

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After the Aquarium we went to our new family favourite eatin/takeout restaurant “The Noodle Box”. If you have one near you (I think that would only be Helen and Buu – you should try it – DELICIOUS fresh food made in front of you. Eli used chopsticks for the whole meal but insisted on one in each hand which took FOREVER. But you can’t argue with him these days as he is “a big boy now, I’m 4 and I know everything” or so we keep being told.

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A lovely family day and two exhausted kiddies on the way home. (Ok so yo ucan’t see Imogen but she was facing the wrong way for me to be able to take her pic!)

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Monday, September 6, 2010

This past week…

Some photos of our week..

Imogen gets some new ‘big girl’ shoes



David went away and this is what I had in my bed. Love it :) (Although there wasn’t a whole lotta room for me!)


We went to the park by our house (that goes without saying since we do that almost every day!)


We went to Rathtrevor beach early one morning and stayed for hours playing frisbee and building sandcastles. Imogen saw a dog off in the distance on the picture below – she was trying to go get it. She loves loves loves animals especially dogs and cats. I think she would have stumbled her way across the other side of the beach to reach him if I would have let her!

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labour Day Weekend

We had a lovely family day out today and went to a few different places. We started in Little Qualicum Falls. A beautiful river/waterfall in a provincial park that we have never visited before. It still amazes me that there are so many gorgeous parks close by that we have still not visited and we’ve lived here for almost 3 years! It’s a shame we didn’t have our proper camera with us as it really needed it to do any of it justice.

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After the falls we went to Coombs for lunch and then found a playground where we made Imogen do acrobatics! Watch the video – she loved it!
