Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cathedral Grove

On Saturday we decided to take a trip out to Cathedral Grove.

It's about an hour  from us on the road out to Port Alberni. We had promised Eli that we would go as long as it wasn't raining.  Luckily for us (as it's all he was talking about) it was sunny on Saturday morning so off we went. Of course we got half way there and it started to torrential downpour! Yay, David and I were thrilled to have left the first sunny day in ages in Nanaimo and headed into rainy Parksville. We had to keep going anyway as 3 year olds get very disappointed if you change plans midway! By the time we got there however the sun was shining again - not that it matters when you are walking in the middle of the forest.

Eli brought his binoculars (he calls them ginoculars) to see the top of the trees!

Standing inside a tree...the middle had been burned out


Beside 'The Big Tree'

It's obviously hard to see how big it is in a picture - here is a picture of the sign so you can compare.

And some random shots :)