Cutting the grass!
Imogen eating a cucumber! Baby girl likes food as much as her brother did!
And carrots which she loooooooooooooooved so much. Won't put the pictures on of the ice cream..oops bad mama...
Snuggling in the morning watching TV. Imogen was only there for a quick cuddle. Of course I don't leave her with him watching TV while I eat my breakfast and surf the'net in peace, honest!
More lovely cuddles
Trying on her bathing suit before her first time swimming last weekend.
Eli throwing himself around on the couch!
Eli loves it when Immy wakes up in the morning and he gets on the bed with her and makes her laugh and giggle. It makes my heart melt to watch how much he loves her and to see her delight whenever he is near her.
Gorgeous girl ready to go out...
Imogens first time on the swings so Eli had to go on the baby swings to be next to her!
Altho this expression doesn't show it -she loved it!
And that's it for now. More to come!!