Do you love the hats?! Eli's choice!
I know the food pictures get a little boring but guess what - its my blog haha so I will show them anyway! Lunch was mango and cream cheese on toast!
Roasted Yams and Carrots for dinner - Yams are her fave so far. They mush nicely in the hands and make a great mess!
Playing at the school by our house
At Rocky Point Park with Helen and Zach
Imogen sleeping in the bottom of the Phil and teds while the boys play in the park.
Tummy time which she STILL hates!
She has been sick this week and wont let me put her down so I have had to carry her all week otherwise I would have had to sit on the couch all week (which wouldn't be a bad thing except Eli would be very bored and the house would be even more of a tip than it already is!)