Sunday, May 7, 2017

Theatre Week :-)

This year the kids joined a new theatre group called Xtreme Theatre. They have had the most amazing year. Made some awesome friends and had so much fun! This week was show time! Eli did three shows of James and the Giant Peach (he was in the Chorus as well as playing 'Bobby bobby cop' and Immy performed as Kaa the snake in 2 shows of 'The Jungle Book'.

Here are a couple of pictures of them during show week!

After the show

Back stage ready to go on with his seagull!

In the green room

Immy with her cast and the directors

Chilling in the green room before the show!

 Immy as Kaa the snake

and as one of the monkeys!

After the show with friends who came to watch

Audience selfie!

Bobby bobby cop with Zach and Ben

Eli with his mascara on ready for the show! 

After their first show