Sunday, April 9, 2017

Winter 2017

We had lots of snow this year!

All ready for our church 5 year party!

A snowy walk but the Pitt River

A 'delicious' snack made by Immy

And Eli's 'crunchy apple snack'

More river walks another day, slightly less snow!

Another river, this time Allouette.

One of Immy's favourite things to do is to draw. She does some fantastic pictures. I love this one! There is usually a long story behind the picture but I forget what this one was.

Walt's favourite place to sit outside and watch for squirrels or birds!

My little reader! She takes after her mama!

Sleepy pup!

Our backyard looked so pretty in all the snow!

And so did the mountains in the from tof the house

On Family day 2017 we went to Hayward Lake for a walk with the Lam's

The order of these pics are all messed up but this is at our church 5 year party!

One random day when it wasn't raining or snowing lol

And Eli's feet are officially bigger than mine waaahhhh

A walk at the river with Himawari and Eri our Japanese students