Friday, December 30, 2016

Disneyland Dec 2016

Disneyland the week before Christmas!

Little pup the day before we left! He loved the snow. 

Line up to get in on the first day

First ride! Tow Mater :-)

You can't go to Disney without going on the carousel!

My absolute favourite ride EVER all lit up at night for Christmas!

Universal Studios


Butter beer at the Three Broomsticks. I got the slushy kind. Best drink ever, so tasty.

Lunch at the three broomsticks

Splash Mountain :-)

Our fave family ride - Big Thunder Mountain! Lost count of how many times we went on this! We were pretty lucky with lineups and really didn't wait long for most of the rides!

In Minnie's house!

It was all so pretty for Christmas!

This was the beach where we saw Dolphins! Eli couldn't keep his eyes off the water looking for them!

Santa Monica

Santa Monica beach was so busy!

In the hotel, so tired after many long days! They got in bed and were sleeping in seconds!

Immy at Jedi Training

Immy fighting Darth Vader

Eli at Jedi training fighting The Seventh Sister