Monday, June 1, 2015

March- now

A bunch photos from March till now!

White Rock

She was sitting in the window and reminded me of a silhouette photo that we have of me (and Helen) in same position, at a similar age...

 At Alloutte Lake, Golden Ears Park

Walking at Fort Langley. Imm teaching Nana how to do a 'glamour pose'!

Jedi training school

Eli got to go to a couple Canucks games! 

We got the keys for our new house! This was the first time in the house!!

And our first visitors!!

Making perfume

Kitchen reno's....never ending....

Helen and Buu got beautiful Zola


Random cuteness

Crossing the bridge by our house and watching the trains

Mail from her BFF!!!

new clothes cuteness

awesome fun park!

Mum painted this beautiful pic of Immy (taken from a photo of her when she was 3)

Trying to take a nice photo on Mothers Day. Immy put a cracker in her mouth on every photo except where we were making stupid faces! I had no idea lol

Swimming lessons :-)

Vernon :-)

Uncle Dan doing levitating tricks. The kids think he is a really magician!