Monday, February 16, 2015

Christmas and New Year in Vernon

 We flew to Vernon on Christmas day as flights were much cheaper! I seem to be missing photos from Christmas eve and Christmas morning. I'll have to figure out where they are and add them later. Here we are in Calgary Airport.

We arrived right at dinner time and my fabulous mama had dinner all ready for us as soon as we got there! What a treat!

Photo taken by Eli!

Hugs for Anne!

And Papa

Opening presents on boxing day

Nice earnings papa!

Jewellery from Nana and Papa

Taking Charlie for a walk on boxing day

Recording a song in Papa's studio

Eli and Papa shovelling the driveway

Aunty Leah played for hours with Immy

While Eli watched hockey with Uncle Dan

Pics by Dan of kids sledding in park 

We spent a freezing cold day up Silver Star at tube town

They had so much fun. I wasn't sure how Immy would like it as she hadn't been before but she got to the top for her first run and told the guy who gives them a push 'spin me fast'!

Beautiful sunny day = soo cold!

Eli coming down for his last run of the day/night!

Immy and daddy made a snowman

Christmas tree family photo with Charlie!

View from mum and dads

We watched a movie one night and David and Sheila were obviously really into it ;-)


New Years Eve dinner! 
Eli and Papa wore matching (sorta) ties!

Dance party at midnight!

On New Years day we tried out Nanas snowshoes in the back yard!