Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Immy rides a bike :-)

Always making a mess wherever she is!

'All About Me' for Kindergarten class

In her music class with kindergarten. Singing her heart out. She really loves music and especially singing.

 Jedi Eli and Ballerina Immy

Walk at Baker Park, Bow River

Eli decided he loves to draw this week. He is working on a book to sell!

Eli and I at the science centre while Immy was at school

Last week Immy started riding Eli's old spiderman bike! She pretty much just sat on it and rode! 
First day she needed help getting started and by the second day she didn't even need help with that! All she wants to do now is go bike riding. She is sooooo proud of herself and loves that she can keep up with Eli now!