Monday, September 22, 2014


First stop - Lake Louise

Lunch by the river

Love this shot of the train crossing the bridge. Wish it was clearer but I just happened to be standing on the bridge and wasn't expecting it!

Driving to Banff

My fave mountain!

Eli said he prefers this mountain (Sulphur mtn) because "Mountains should have tree's on them"

A walk along the Bow River in Banff to the falls (which incidentally the kids were most unimpressed with. They both gave us a lecture of what a real water falls should look like. I guess when you are 5 and 8 and the only waterfall you have seen [4 times] is Niagara Falls then everything else pales in comparison!)

 Eli drinking from the river because he was so thirsty and his water was gone!

Our hotel had a mini water park which was a big hit!

We took the Gondola up Sulphur Mountain. I was terrified lol. It is one steep ride! The view from the top was soooo worth it though. It was a beautiful day, 28 degrees and not a cloud in sight.

Best comment from Immy. "I just love the Rocky Mountains. I wish we could live here, they are so pretty - but I don't really like the colour. Grey and brown are not my favourite colours. I would like them better if they were pink"