Saturday, March 15, 2014

Crafts from Nanny!

Thank you Nanny for the Mr Maker kits and the stickers! As soon as they opened the parcel they wasted no time in getting started!

The concentration face!

One of the finished sock puppets. I forgot to take a picture of the other one!

Some of the little bug friends that Immy made. 

David needed somewhere quieter than the kitchen table to make phone calls and do his job searches and make connections. We are not always quiet homeschoolers hehe and he needed a place of his own! The best we could do was an office in my closet! (luckily we have two giant walk-in closets in our bedroom) Named the 'Cloffice' by Eli.

 Mean faces?!

On Thursday it snowed (what's new?!) I suddenly remembered that in Nanaimo on the one day a year it snowed I used to let the kids have food colouring in a squirty bottle to play with in the snow! Can't believe we are on month 5 of never-ending winter and I only just remembered. I filled a bunch of old sippy cups with different colours and let them go wild. Eli was interested for 10 minutes but Immy would have happily been out there all day mixing potions!

 I have been telling the kids about how Helen and I sometimes used to sleep 'tops and tails' so they decided last night to do the same!

Immy watching a kids documentary on spring....seems to be that a documentary is the only way we are getting any spring this year!

There is a Star Wars obsession in our house right now! Today we made light sabers! I think they look awesome if I do say so myself! Eli's is a double ended with light saber and Immy's is some made up name that has a pink one lol!

We went for (another freezing cold) walk today. So done with winter and so are the kids (see below!)