Saturday, April 13, 2013

A week in April

 Snow and Ice in mid April. So fun....NOT.

I had a headache so Eli made me a sign! If only....

The kids' current obsession in the 'Little House' series. We've been listening to the books in the car. All games centre around Little house lately. Eli plays 'Pa', and Immy plays 'Laura'. It's exactly the kind of games I love them playing! They play horses or hunting or just act out parts of the book! I love it. They picked out these hats for their dress up box this week...not sure Immy's is quite of the time (Late 1800's!) but she likes it!

Eli's 'Pa' hat and his nerf gun for hunting wild animals!

On Friday Immy picked out her own clothes! Oh I have such a hard time letting her go out like this but I think it's important to let her know she has choices (sometimes lol) She thought she looked perfect!

Eli couldn't find his apron when he was baking so he made his own!

Getting closer! Only 3 weeks to go :-)


On the rare night that David gets home from work and the kids are still up they go mental climbing all over him and hanging off him!

At Old Navy today...