Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday baby girl x

To my gorgeous little girl -

I can't believe that you are two already. The last two years have flown by. Each day you look less and less like my baby and more and more like a toddler!

You have been saying lots of words for a long time now but in the last few months you have been saying longer 4 word sentences and you are very clearly understood by everyone. The words I hear most from you at the moment are "mummy, come back" when I dare to walk away from you! Today when I said it was your birthday you asked for "my (said maaa) presents" and "my cake", "my candles blow" and sang the happy birthday song all day long. You definitely 'got' that it was your birthday!

You love to sing. Your favourite song is the ABC song. You also love to sing "Roary, the racing car" and "Elmo's world". You love to watch Fresh Beat Band and Hi-5 both of which are all singing and dancing. You like to dance as much as you like to sing. You also love to watch Elmo, especially if it's all cuddled up with Daddy and his iPad.

Mostly you love Eli. In the last week or two you have started saying his name correctly. I love how you carefully pronounce each letter so that it sounds perfect but at the same time I miss hearing you calling him 'Yi-Yi'. You love to copy every single thing that he does. Anything he can do you can do too, and if not you will certainly give it your best try! Together you are crazy... you love to race around the stairs either both running or you chasing him on his batman trike. He loves to put music on for you and then you both dance and spin in the lounge. You also love bouncing on the trampoline but only if he does it with you - you won't jump on your own! You climb up and then shout "Come on Yi-Yi" until he comes and jumps too! When he's not looking you love to sneak into his room and play with his toys! At the moment you love his playmobil pool and putting the people down the slide...although you've also discovered you can pull the heads off the people and I think that's taken over as a favourite this week!

You are such a girlie girl. You are just discovering dressing up in "pincess clothes" and jewellery. You often like to choose your own clothes and ALWAYS like to choose your own shoes. You love watching me put make up on and ask me for "pretty" which means put lip gloss on! I love it all!

Right now you are definitely going through a strong willed - know your own mind- don't mess with the two year old- stage. Screaming is high on your agenda, usually while I am trying to do food shopping (which is so boring - I don't really blame you!) However you are the most lovely caring little girl who still loves cuddling and lots of hugs and kisses. At night you like to snuggle with your tiger and elephant and blankie. (You would have every stuffed animal and doll that you own in the crib with you if we let you!) You are so affectionate and we love it. You will often grab my face with both hands and turn me towards you and plant a big kiss on my lips! What more could I ask for?!

We love you so very, very much and are so thankful to have been blessed to have you in our lives.
