Monday, July 11, 2011

Eli turns 5

Eli's birthday photos. They are a bit mixed up...there are some of his birthday on Wednesday and some of his party on Saturday.
Cakes that I made for his party

We had a superhero party and mum made the fabulous capes for them (about 16 in total I think) Here he is all ready for his party.

Superhero pose

Super hero Immy and Ben! Imogen kept saying "be a hero" meaning she wanted to wear her mask and cape!

Eli and friends Cerys and Nelson. Nelson is a week younger than Eli! Eli is a head taller than most of his friends!

On the bouncy Castle

Having snack on the trampoline

Opening presents

Last night sleeping as a 4 year old!

Soooo excited to get 'the pool' on his birthday morning.

Very tired boy on his birthday morning!

Cake made for his birthday day. He baked it with me and decorated it by himself! 
Picnic at Transfer Beach, Ladysmith for his birthday dinner.

Mid bite lol

Her favorite snack, Broccoli!

Having his weekly shower!

All diving for the pinata candy!

Decorating their masks

Imogen on her third...or fourth or maybe fifth cupcake! She kept picking them up and sucking the icing off and then putting them down!