So Saturday Feb 5th - Helen and I exchanged about 3000 texts. "I might be in labour" "no I don't think I am" "Yes I think I am" and so on and on.... all day! We were debating going over to Vancouver early Saturday morning so that we could help with Zach if she had to go to the hospital but then we decided collectively that it probably wouldn't happen that day so we decided not to go. Roll on 7:30pm and another text and conversation where she thinks it could happen tonight...or maybe not lol!! For whatever reason I suddenly decided we should go over just incase. The last ferry was 9pm and the kids were already sleeping in bed so we quickly packed up and carried the kids to the car. Eli didn't flinch...
until we were 5 minutes away from Helen and Buu's at 11:30 ish and then he was up till about 2am!
Imogen on the other hand was wide awake the minute I moved her into the car and had me running around on the ferry like a loon while David sat in the car with a sleeping Eli!
We got to Helen and Buu's sometime just before midnight and it turned out we had made the right decision to go over as they left for the hospital immediately and baby Benjamin Robert Lam was born at 5:30am. We had breakfast and then took Zach to meet his little brother and then went on to pick mum up from the aiport. I am sooo pleased we made the choice to go over and that we could help them and of course that I got to meet my newest little nephew!
Meeting my gorgeous scrummy new nephew! |
Imogen trying to get the 'baaaaby' |
Eli was very interested in Ben and VERY interested in how he got out of Helens tummy! |
My beautiful sister. I'm sure she will go mad at this but she has just given birth hours ago and looks AMAZING! |
Nana meeting Ben |