So last week we were out and I told Eli he could pick an ornament each for him and Imogen for the tree. He picked the one above for him and one that was a snowman and says 'Joy' for Imogen. When we got home he said to me "what do the ornaments say" so I said Imogen's says Joy and yours say Noel. He immediately says to me it does have an 'L'. I burst out laughing and then was busy with something else and forgot all about it. The next day he said "mummy why don't those ornaments have the right letters for our names" so totally forgetting about the previous conversation I say because they don't say your names. Yours is Noel. Again he gets really upset and says 'It does have an L and my name has an L too' I try to explain 'NOEL' to him but literally everytime I say Noel he says "mummy stop saynig that it does have an L" Oh my goodness it was like a comedy sketch. This has gone on ALL week. He has no idea what Noel means as he won't hear me out!!