Wednesday, December 11, 2013


David and the kids were making gingerbread cookies on the weekend but they deserted him when Maia came over to ask if they wanted to go play at her house. Can't remember what we were laughing at but love this photo of him laughing!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I wish I could think of clever titles.

Singstar...Can we say natural born performers?!!

 We recently 'inherited' Davids old iPad. I've loaded it with kids books so that Eli can read to Immy!

The outdoor skating rink was able to open with the beautifully cold temps we have had lately so we went down one day to try it out. We pretty much had the place to ourselves. Probably because it was sooooooooooo cold. No-one else was crazy enough.

 Still need to get skates for Imogen but she was happy in her boots.

So the company that David went to Liverpool with recently sent him this Liverpool shirt as a present...hehehehe how could they know that someone from Canada has a life long obsession with a different Mersey team and wouldn't be caught dead wearing an LFC shirt, even if it does have his name on it! The best part was that although it was a gift, because they didn't label what it was, we got stuck paying a $27 custom charge for it!

More cold weather, more snow, more sledding! This time with friends

Night time sledding with new sleds!

Somehow I got stuck dragging them home!

 And a random shot of Ballet class