Thursday, November 29, 2012

Love this poster eli made for me for 'passing my spelling lessons' (he was te teacher!) lol! It says "Congratulations you have done great. Next level you will be learning words and alphabetical order". Love how he writes alfbtgl ordr.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nice weather?

What was the last post where I commented on the nice weather?!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

It's still warm and sunny yay :-)

The kids are loving living right beside the park. We are here bike riding every day and today immy rode her horse lol! We are enjoying a fantastic November so far it's been nice and sunny. I'm sure it won't last so we're definitely making the most of it!

Friday, November 9, 2012


All of a sudden I find Eli reading all the time. We've been getting solar system books out of library, pretty much every single book on planets that they have as he is so into it and he will curl up in bed and read it all on his own! (And then come down every five seconds to tell us a new fact lol but that's a whol e 'nother story!)