Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How to make daddy happy!

Wear your tranmere kit! Eli is very into soccer at the moment and I can't say David is upset about that! Pictures all blurry as my children NEVER stand still for five seconds!

I straightened Immys hair the other night with my GHD's to see what it looks like (it's quite wavy normally) my answer was very cute and a heck of a lot more angelic than she is in real life! 

Mothers Day

Eli picked this ring for me on his own! There is a gorgeous little store in the mall that sells jewellery and other little cute home type things and he loves to go in and get jewellery for presents for mums and nana/nannys! He will make a good husband one day! David said he scanned the rings and made a beeline for this one! When he has made up his mind there is no changing it! Anyway I love it!

We had a beautiful relaxing mothers day. I lazed around and read and then we got dressed and headed to Rathtrevor Beach since the weather is so great right now. I love it there so much. I will miss the Ocean so so so so much!!

I ask my kids to smile while I take a photo and seriously this is what I get....

 A pair of loons, I tell ya'!

 Just love it because when the tide is out the water is like this for miles (ankle- knee deep) the kids just run around and splash and get wet. They also love collecting sand dollars and looking for crabs (lots of teeny tiny ones) 

 I love that they can run around and it's relatively safe because the water isn't deep so I don't have to follow them!

 Love his face! Having so much fun!
 Playing soccer with Daddy

Playing with seaweed

Examining the little water snail things (sure there is a more scientific name than that but I don't know what it is!)

All in all a very fun and relaxing day. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Sunday walk

You would be forgiven for looking at the following photos and thinking "aww what a beautiful family walk, sun is shining, kids look happy, mum and dad look happy, perfect day". Oh how the reality differs! Picture this instead... Eli whining every five seconds - "is the walk over yet, I want to go and play soccer" or "is there a short cut to this walk, I want to go and play soccer" or "how much longer left on this walk, I want to go and play soccer" or "we've been out here for like an hour , I want to go and play soccer" ad infinitum. Then there was Imogen who decided to bring along a handbag, and fill it full of  random toy pieces that she shoved in there until they were bursting out of the bag- not helped by the clasp being broken, which meant that random toys kept falling out of the bag every other step so she would stop, have a screaming, raging meltdown that it opened/everything fell out/that we tried to help/that she couldn't get it closed then she would eventually get over it, take two steps and start again. 

Doesn't everyone climb mountains with their handbags?!