Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Imogen on the dumbo flying elephant ride. She is loooooving the rides!

Mad hatters tea party

"It's a small world"

On our way to Disney

For the first day! One very excited little boy!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

We're off to Disney!

See you when we get back!
And a few pics before we leave!

Imogen choose her outfit!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The upsy daisy fairy princess

Eli's artwork

We used watercolour paints to paint these birds that he drew!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The day the kids dressed themselves!

Eli came running out of his room this morning all excited "I've picked a 'smart shirt' because I'm going to beavers tonight"... Fine but he paired it with basketball shorts!
Not to be outdone Imogen teemed her Tshirt and pants with a too small sweater, woolen hat and an odd mitt for each hand. She stayed like this until she figured she couldn't eat lunchwearing mitts!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


They love each other so much.

Golfing attire

Apparently these are the glasses worn by all the best mini golfers lately :-)


We went mini golfing on the weekend. Big mistake to take the 2 year old water obsessed child to the one with the course that is centered around a lagoon! We lasted for 8 holes and then Mummy and Imogen had to leave!!

Just hanging!

Really need to get her in gymnastics!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Eli starts kindergarten this week. I have a parent orientation tonight and then we meet with his teacher later in the week and start his work. His classes don't actually start until October. I took the obligatory start of the school year photos. I will post more when I get a chance - Eli was very into it and had me take about 80 (no joke) photos of him doing various different poses! I wanted some of Imogen too but she completely opposite of Eli and was not interested in sitting still AT ALL!