Monday, October 26, 2009


Eli can draw suddenly - this is the first picture he has done that I could tell what it was without asking...a space rocket incase you can't tell!

His halloween costume this year.

Getting in some exercise with nanny at the park!

His class on their outing to pick pumpkins

Found one!

At Bowen park on Saturday

Seriously enjoying her walk! (first time she has ever been awake and alert while we have been out walking)

My gorgeous monkey!

Daddy and Eli by the waterfall

Going backwards down the slide!

Daddy giving Imogen her first bottle (10 weeks 6days old))

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We miss you nanny and a video of Eli

I'm sure he will kill me for this following video clip when he's older but it's just too cute not to show! (oh and excuse the messy house and my voice - hate hearing it on camera!!)