Here is our baby...that is sexless, well for now anyway! If you click on it to see it bigger I labelled it so you can figure out what you are looking at. But basically its the head with an arm up by its mouth.
Yesterday we went for a looong walk on the trail by our house. I took a million photos (with my phone) but as usual didn't get more than a couple of Eli's face! He is always too busy running/jumping/examining rocks/picking up sticks etc! Anyway here are a couple of photos. I must start taking the camera out with me to get some good ones instead of my phone. (I think if you click on the photo you can see it bigger)
We bought singstar Abba on the weekend for a bit of fun and David and I have been deafening each other ever since belting out our favorites. Eli's fave tho' is "I do, I do, I do" (not one of the more popular songs). He actually sits with the mic and sings most of the song (and then asks for it over and over and over again!)
So...we decided to start a blog which we will pretend is about the 3 of us but will really be all about Eli! We thought it would be a nice way to keep family up to date with recent pictures of him as well as to recount some of the more amusing things he says and does during the day/week...and believe me he says some funny things! I so often mean to write down some of the things he says and forget to do it so at least I will be able to keep a record on here to save for when he is older and not quite so cute any more!